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    Welcome to Alternative Capital

    Our core strategy provides a higher yield than investments such as bonds, stocks, CDs or US Treasuries, while simultaneously avoiding the volatility of stocks.

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No Exposure to Stock Market Fluctuation

No Exposure to Stock Market Fluctuation

Our Fund is not subject to stock and bond market fluctuations. While others ride the Wall Street roller coaster, you earn a more steady unlevered return. (previous performance does not indicate future results)

Our Fund Owns XXXXX


Our investments are spread across a large number of counties but within reasonable driving distance.

The 90/10 Rule

90% Investors
10% Principals

The principals put in 10% of the funds money at all times. Investors get paid on their 90% first and remaining funds flow to the principals. Therefore, our interests and the interests of our investors are aligned.

About Us

Alternative Capital provides accredited investors an 8% unlevered return. Collateral is provided through 1st position mortgages secured against Florida real estate. Our core strategy provides higher yield than investments such as bonds, stocks, CDs or US Treasuries, while simultaneously avoiding the volatility of stocks.

With over 40 years combined experience purchasing real estate opportunities and repositioning them, our team provides a proven track record.

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Contact Us Today and let us know how we can help you.
